Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And....I'm back :)

So....my family and I moved from Texas to Georgia 6 months ago.
To say that a lot has changed would be the understatement of the year. :)
The fact that I can smile about it is HUGE.
I've spent the past few months making our new house "home." Decorating, putting out familiar things, making friends, getting involved at our new church, ensuring that our boys were adjusting well to our new home. All of these things have kepts me plenty busy.
I'm happy to say that our boys are thriving.
And now, 6 (rather long) months later,
so am I.
And I realized that one really important thing in my life was still missing: my craft room.
My craft room was sitting in boxes in our basement.
I knew that the old Jac was returning when I suddenly had a strong desire to set up shop.
And then, when an order for 4 scrapbooks rolled in, things got serious. :)
and then, when I spoke with Tracy about doing some work for
The Little Blue House, I felt a little panicky.
But now I'm set up in our loft upstairs, and have given new life to my hub's childhood desk.
It's now red....I'm going through a red phase. I go through lots of phases.
Thankfully, paint is cheap. :)
Tomorrow, I get busy on a handful of projects that have rolled in....stay tuned.


  1. i heart it.
    and you.
    and that red desk.
    and those boys.
    and, well....i could go on.

  2. Jac, I love you! And I cannot wait to see the awesomeness that will come from that little red desk! Miss you something awful!

  3. glad you finally got it all fixed up... :)

  4. Looks so good! Kristyn and I are going thru some stuff today...should be able to send something off by tomorrow! So happy we can work together once again!!!

  5. Love the red desk & that YOU'RE BACK!!!
    Woo hoo!

  6. Welcome "back" Jac! I'm looking forward to seeing what you crea te!

  7. So great to have you next door Jaclyn. Maybe you'll inspire me to get my craft room reorganized. Then you can teach me all of your tricks.

  8. I love that we have that same ugly blue and black chair in our craft rooms! It doesn't match my space at all but I just can't imagine creating with my hiney perched on anything else! :-)

    Love you and miss you!

  9. Hey there girl!!! I'm so glad to see all your scrappin' stuff so organized and ready to be used!!! SO awesome that you will still be creating with Tracy!!! Can't wait to see what you do, you always inspire me!! :))

  10. Awesome Jac! Love it...I'm inspired now to rearrange my loft as well. :) Can't wait to see what else comes from the little red desk (love that idea!).
